How to Use Times New Roman in pdflatex on Mac OS X

Whether you like it or not, sometimes you are asked, by your editor who thinks Word is the only way to prepare a document, to use Times New Roman. If you're allowed to use regular Times instead of Times New Roman, then there is a quick solution: just include


in the preamble of your .tex file, and you're done. What if you are not given such an option? Then you'll have to convert the fonts, prepare various files with various extensions, put them in the right places, cast a magic spell in shell... Unless you have decent knowledge on how fonts work in LaTeX, which I don't have, you'll be in a deep trouble.

Fortunately, I could manage to make Times New Roman work in teTeX (Gerben Wierda distribution), thanks to people in the "Mac OS X TeX Fonts" mailing list (a subdivision of the Mac OS X TeX mailing list), especially Bruce D'Arcus and most importantly, Bruno Voisin. I thought this solution could be helpful for many stray sheep struggling to use Times New Roman in TeX on Mac OS X, so I decided to make it public by putting it on the web.

Since I'm a TeX font novice and I know little about the technical details, I simply give quick-and-dirty instructions below, without giving the logic behind them. See the links listed in the end of this web page for technical stuff. I owe most of what follows to Bruno Voisin, though errors and mistakes are my own.

1. Create .pfb files from your Times New Roman

There are a number of ways to do this, but I only list the one I actually did.

  1. Download PfaEdit.
    1. If you have X Window System installed, go ahead and download "pfaedit Mac OS/X executable".
    2. If not, you might want to install X Window System (such as Apple X11, XDarwin, OroborOSX, etc.) and install "pfaedit Mac OS/X executable," OR download and install "pfaedit Mac OS/X WITHOUT X11". I do not discuss this latter option. See the instructions on the PfaEdit web site.
  2. From X Window System, start PfaEdit (by simply typing "pfaedit" in shell).
  3. From the File menu in PfaEdit, open Times New Roman located in /Library/fonts/. There are 4 versions of Times New Roman (regular, italic, bold, bold italic), and we need to convert all of them, one by one, into .pfb files. (You cannot do this all at once, so you'll have to repeat this process 4 times.)
  4. From the File menu in PfaEdit, choose "Generate fonts" and generate "PS Type 1 (Binary)" under the names listed below: That's it for PfaEdit and XWindows.
  5. Move these 4 .pfb files into your favorite texmf/fonts/ directory. I put them in ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/timesnew/.

2. Put various files in various places

Sorry that the heading doesn't make any sense. Anyhow, for your convenience, I made those "various files" downloadable: timesnewx.dmg. After downloading this...

  1. Put in texmf/dvips/timesnew/
  2. Put .tfm files in texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/timesnew/
  3. Put .fd files and timesnew.sty in texmf/tex/latex/timesnew/

3. Update the mapping

In Terminal, run the following command (password needed). (Change the path according to your placement of

sudo updmap --enable Map ~/Library/texmf/dvips/timesnew/

4. In your target .tex file...

Include the following lines in the preamble:


That's it!! Happy type-setting!!

A few notes

  • timesnewx.sty is named as such, so that it is distinguishable from existing timesnew.sty (for monotype times new roman).
  • Since we don't have a .pfb file for small capitals, regular times small captials are used instead. If you don't like this way, comment out (%) the line saying \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pns}{m}{sc}{<-> ptmrc8t}{} in ly1pns.fd and use your own way of realizing small capitals.
  • Don't you think that Times New Roman according to pdflatex appears a bit smaller than Times New Roman according to Word? I do. A quick way to remedy this problem is to open ly1pns.fd and modify lines like
    \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pns}{m}{n}{<-> pnsr8y}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pns}{m}{n}{<-> [1.05] pnsr8y}{}
    so that the fonts are magnified by 1.05.


  1. LY1 encoding and other technical information: Y&Y Inc. -- LY1 Encoding: The Adobe Type Library
  2. Font basics and related links: LaTeX and fonts: University of Cambridge, Dept of Engineering
  3. PfaEdit
  4. TeX on Mac OS X (Gerben Wierda)
  5. MacOSX TeX/LaTeX Web Site
  6. LaTeX and OS X FAQ


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